My name is Kenny Zhao

Who am I?


First off, a little introduction, I am a second-year student at McMaster University located in Ontario. I am pursuing a B.A.Sc. Degree in Computer Science with an expected graduation date of 2026. You can click here to see my resume!

My love for computer programming started at a young age and continues to thrive to this day. My passion for computer science is paralleled by my unwavering commitment to continuous learning. Kindly find below my proficiency in my top four programming languages!


As a highly extroverted individual, I derive immense satisfaction from collaborative engagements. My interests encompass an array of leisure activities, including video gaming with friends, music-making on the piano or guitar, and swimming at the pool. Although I am a neophyte in the world of computer science, I am profoundly intrigued and eager to delve deeper into this field that ignites my passion.





hey...again (skills and hobbies).

Coding (duh)

I have been learning about computer science for over 4 years and currently I am working on multiple projects from game development, to creating more websites for other extracurriculars that I am proud to be representing.


Music :3

Music plays a big role in my life. During my free time in high school, I use to play the bass clarinet for my school band. As of now, I occasionally play the piano and now play the guitar often whenever I want to enjoy some music.

My current favorite song!


Until I Found You

Stephen Sanchez & Em Beihold

@kenny-zhao on spotify

Academics >:)

Competitions are where I strive the most as it forces me to become better. As of now, I am preparing for future events, such as hackathons, coding compeititons, etc., to further my skills.

Kenny Zhao

Personality <3

I would say I am a very outgoing and kind person. If you ever do meet me in person, I would love to talk or even shoot me a private message on one of my socials.




Athletics :0

I love being active. As of now, I currently just ran the Toronto Waterfront Half-Marathon in October 2023 with a time of 2:06:00! I also enjoy other sports such as skiing, swimming etc.


Games :P

Video games continue to be one of my favorite hobbies to relax and chill with friends. At the moment, I am not playing much because of academics, but if you are ever down play, just add me on discord!


my works; both present and past...

Below are some of my best works that I have worked on in the past. They all range from personal projects, to projects for organizations and hackathons. Click on any of them to be brought to their repositories and learn more!


Hack The North







my experiences, my life...

As a person who loves interacting with others, I do my best to involve myself with society as much as possible. I believe that you can learn the most from others and that is why I strive to be a caring person. Below are some organizations that I took/take part in.

McMaster CSS - First Year Rep

October 2022 - Present

• Facilitated communication with CS students as a representative of the CSS
• Successfully orchestrated coordination between courses, instructors, academic departments, and CS students, resulting in a substantial 50% increase in student engagement in classes
• Contributed valuable feedback when organizing events for first-year students and played an integral role in planning and suggesting events tailored to their needs


Marketyze - Head Of Technology

September 2022 - September 2023

• Collaborated with the UI/UX designer to redesign the organization's website, resulting in an impressive 87% increase in monthly visitors
• Oversaw and supervised all technology-related aspects, including emails, website maintenance, and event equipment management
• Offered technology expertise and implemented new technological solutions during events


AVGL - QA Tester & Tournament Organizer

May 2021 - May 2023

• Assisting fellow student leaders at events and providing support to competitors during tournaments, achieving a 100% participant satisfaction rate
• Enhanced the organization's website and features by more than 50% through rigorous QA testing, contributing to improved speed and efficiency
• Demonstrated strong ability to work under pressure and remain composed in high-stress situations while overseeing and managing multiple competitions


MIST - MOC Software Developer

September 2023 - Present

• Oversaw the development of software in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency, enabling remote command and control capabilities for ground stations and satellites
• Managed the reception, parsing, and storage of experimental data and telemetry from ground station(s), resulting in a 67% increase in operational efficiency
• Maintained a variety of critical virtual servers essential for ensuring uninterrupted data collection and communication between satellites and mission control


OHSEA - Co-Founder & Lead Tech Dev

May 2021 - May 2023

• Accountable for assisting and overseeing technology-related software and projects, achieving a 100% uptime on essential technologies
• Exhibit exceptional leadership capabilities in the management of the technology team, ensuring timely project delivery
• Contribute to tournament planning and offer technological guidance as necessary


Trudeau CS - Executive

June 2021 - June 2022

• Contributed to the organization and execution of events, including Gamejams and Hackathons
• Took on the responsibility of designing lessons and instructing students on a range of Computer Science topics, including Python, HTML, CSS, React, and more
• Collaborated with fellow executives on club projects and effectively communicated any club-related concerns to the president


contact me

“I don’t know how much value I have in this universe, but I do know that I’ve made a few people happier than they would have been without me, and as long as I know that, I’m as rich as I ever need to be.”

- Robin Williams